Frequently asked question

1. Which classes are being offered in the school year 2024-2025?

Anglophone Section                                      Germanophone Section               Francophone Section

Kindergarten                                                   Kindergarten                                  Kindergarten

Primary p1-p5                                                 Primary p1-p5                                Primary p1-p5

Secondary s1-s7                                              Secondary s1-s7                              Secondary s1 – s6

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2. What is the LLIS?

The Lënster Lycée International School is a state educational entity comprising kindergarten, primary and secondary school. It is housed in and belongs to Lënster Lycée in Junglinster, Luxembourg. The LLIS opened its doors in September 2018. Kindergarten and primary school are located in a temporary building. At the moment about 250 students are divided into 18 classes, four classes for kindergarten and 14 classes in primary school with both an English and a German section.

3. What educational system does the LLIS follow?

Although it is part of the Luxembourgish governmental educational offer, the LLIS follows the EuropeanSchool structure, syllabi and curriculum in general. The LLIS is an Accredited European School and aims at leading its students towards the European Baccalaureate (EB) Diploma.

4. How many linguistic sections does LLIS have?

Three language sections: English-speaking (Kindergarten, P1-P5), French-speaking (Kindergarten, P1) and German-speaking (Kindergarten, P1-P5).

5. What is a linguistic section?

Linguistic Sections are defined by the dominant language used for the education of the students in that section, e.g. in the English-speaking sections pupils study English as their main language. This is the language they use for almost all of their subjects. Language 2 is taught from the beginning of P1 and is very important for our students. Children can start with no knowledge of Language 2 in class P1. It is however highly recommended that children already have a good level in their second language if they want to start in class P3/4/5 at the LLIS. Before the transition to secondary school, children have 22 rue Victor FerrantL-6122 Junglinster Tél.: 27 69 63 – 410 Fax: 27 69 63 – 290 Email: reached at least level A2 according to the European Framework and start at level A2/B1 at secondary school. At the beginning of the secondary level, students will learn a third language. At the end of their school career at the LLIS, students do the European Bac in their first language and in their second language.

6. What criteria should pupils fulfil to enter one of the three sections of LLIS?

Pupils should have completed the equivalent previous education to the year they are applying for, be of the right age group and – depending on the section chosen - have English, German or French as theirdominant language of education and/or family environment. Priority is given to the catchment area around Junglinster.

7. Where can one find more information about European and Accredited European Schools?

Further information is available at the official site of European Schools: and

8. What levels will LLIS primary cycle offer in the academic year 2021-2022?
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9. At what age do pupils start in the different parts of the LLIS school system?

Kindergarten: ages 4-6 (the child must be 4 on September 1st of the year in question)

Primary : ages 6-11 (the child must be 6 on September 1st of the year in question)

Secondary: ages 12-1

The LLIS follows a system of equivalence with different educational systems from Luxembourg, Europe and worldwide. For a pupil coming from the Luxembourgish primary system, he/she should have completed the 6th year of primary school, level 4.2, before being able to join the S1 at the secondary level of the LLIS.

10. What are the school times in the primary cycle at the LLIS?

At the LLIS, the school day starts at 8 am for kindergarten and primary school (arrival time is from 07.30 to 8am) and on short days (Tuesday and Thursday) it ends at 13.00 and on long days (Monday and Wednesday) at 15.30.On Fridays, classes stop at noon (12.00).

11. Do you have day care?

The LLIS works together with the association SEA Paiperléck, who is offering day care after school, from Monday to Friday until 19.00. Lunch takes place at the day care centre and the day care team is responsible for the whole lunch break. All children must be registered to be given a meal and to have access to day care at all. All after-school activities are organised by the day care team. For furtherinformation you can contact the following e-mail address:

12. When does enrolment to the school open?

LLIS will open enrolment for the Kindergarten and Primary School in February/March 2021. The enrolment forms will be published on the school homepage.

13. Where can I find the academic syllabi of different subjects?
14. What kind of educational support is offered by LLIS?

Different forms and levels of support are provided, designed to ensure appropriate help for pupils having special educational needs or experiencing difficulties at any point in their schooling in order to allow them to develop and progress according to their potential and to be successfully integrated.

15. Is there school transport available? If so, from which areas and how much does it cost?

The International School primary cycle is served by an extensive network of free school transportation. A total of 7 buses are organised for all students of kindergarten and primary school. Parents have to inform the school before the start of the new academic year if their child wants to take the bus.

16. What subjects are taught in primary school?
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17. Which curriculum is applied at kindergarten?

The core content of the Early Education Curriculum consists of four areas: me and my body, me as a person, me and the others and me and the world. These areas are based on the physical, psychological, social, cognitive and emotional development of children. Every area has three dimensions: learning to be, learning to live with others and learning to act and to know based on learning objectives.

18. What school books and material are needed when students start at the LLIS?

All students of the primary school will get their textbooks from school. In addition, the material needed will be specified by each Kindergarten and Primary teacher before the start of the new academic year on the school homepage. Before the beginning of the new academic year, parents will be provided with a ‘Welcome Pack’ containing all the important information for a successful start.